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Musings On Life, Work And Leisure From Career Aviators

Guest post by Wayne Greenway

Have you ever noticed just how happy you are if you have had a chance to participate in Guelph Ontario's  Minga Skill Building Hub’s many courses?

Scientists in positive psychology now know more about why these kind of activities bring us happiness: the course likely gave you some positive feelings; you were likely very engaged in the activity; you probably enjoyed the company of other participants in the course; the course had meaning for you beyond yourself (perhaps for those who will enjoy your new found skill or the ongoing difference you can now make in the environment); the course surely gave you a sense of accomplishment; and you felt energized by your participation. These kinds of qualities combine in any experience to bring us the happiness one experience’s in Minga’s courses.

We seek these qualities in our leisure activities and our life at home. Why is it that so many of us don’t experience these qualities in our work?

Some experts say that as many as 80% of the workers are misplaced in their employment. Yet, we often passively accept that 50% of the time that we are awake, during our most productive years is spent in something that does not fit!

“So often in life, it is not what we do that we regret, rather what we don’t do that we regret the most. Things like not making a change when we knew a change was in order, or not taking the appropriate steps to move into a situation that would lend itself to a more fulfilling life both personally and professionally” says Kathleen Gage in a recent blog post on

Why don’t most of us change our employment to bring us as much happiness as our activities outside of work?

 Perhaps this summer is a good time to see if your job is bringing you happiness? Here is a quick quiz to get you thinking.

Think about your career and measure how much you agree with each of the following statements:

1= no agreement  to 7=complete agreement

  1. My work has some playfulness and fun in it.

  2. I frequently get fully absorbed in what I am doing at work

  3. I enjoy being with my co workers and supervisors

  4. My work brings me a sense of meaning beyond myself

  5. I have opportunities to feel a sense of accomplishment in my work

  6. My work energizes me

Although not scientific, this quiz may give you insight into how happy you may be in your current situation. A high score might indicate that your work is a good fit for you and that you are experiencing happiness in your work. A low score could create an opportunity for you to reflect on your current situation and ways to get the most out of your life at work.

If you want some help, join us in a two day retreat will help you design a career and a life worth living  — A life with meaning, happiness and job that you look forward to going to each day.

Wayne Greenway is Senior Partner with Career Aviators, a social purpose business that directs all profit to innovative youth leadership initiative in Guelph. He is passionate about helping people to find jobs in which they will excel, value highly and love to do. Learn More


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